Mission and Service are the visible embodiment of God’s work in the world. The church’s mission embraces local and global contexts, evangelism and social service, the works of mercy, and the call to justice and peacemaking. Join us in this good work!
Reba Place Church seeks to amplify the voices and meet the needs of marginalized and vulnerable people.
We consider our policies to be ever-evolving as we learn to love in an ever-changing context. Our commitment is to live the way Jesus lived: proclaiming good news, recovering what has been lost, and setting the oppressed free (Luke 4:18).
Inclusive in Love: We believe all people are created in the image of God, and are growing in our understanding of how to love, welcome, and celebrate everyone fully.
Sanctuary Statement: We have joined with many other faith communities in Evanston in concern for our neighbors who are immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.
Child Safety: We love our children and youth and have documented our commitment to providing a safe and joyful space for them to grow.
Anti-Racism: Christ mends our broken humanity as we lift up the voices of the oppressed and dismantle the structures of white supremacy with the power of nonviolent love. We are on a lifelong journey of racial justice and racial reconciliation. We recognize that we have a long way to go as a church in being anti-racist. Therefore, we commit to:
educating our congregation in the history and legacy of racism
building a library of anti-racism resources
training lay leaders and staff in diversity, equity, and inclusion
supporting a Racial Justice Team to coordinate these efforts
Peace & Justice Ministries
Reba Place Church serves our larger community in various ministries.
We value peacemaking and justice seeking through care for the earth and ministries to the most vulnerable among us
Sonshine Group was created 40 years ago as a sharing group for people with varying levels of intellectual ability, inspired by the work of Jean Vanier and L'Arche communities. Currently Sonshine Group provides a gathering place for about 35 people twice each month on Fridays. Activities include dinner, storytelling, music, improvisational skits, Scripture reflections, and a time of prayer.
Racial Justice Team is a group committed to dismantling racism in our church and world. This team meets bi-monthly to plan educational and action opportunities for our Reba church community as we pursue God's call for racial justice.
Green Team is our new group of thoughtful volunteers who are dedicated to making our buildings ecologically sound and our events environmentally sustainable. In 2019, Reba Place Church was given a grant by the City of Evanston to begin composting initiatives at the Meetinghouse. The Green Team is also looking at ways to lessen the impact of construction work planned for the Meetinghouse bathrooms and kitchen in Summer 2020.
The Reba Place Church Deacons are a small group of church members who do big behind-the-scenes social work and ministry. They are responsible for granting requests for financial assistance from under-resourced people in our church and community. The Deacons can be reached by contacting the RPC Church Office.
The Harvest is Reba’s food co-operative, which is open to the community on Saturday mornings and is housed in the Ministry Center (535 Custer Ave). Members can purchase quality organic kitchen basics such as rice, pasta, beans, nuts, dried fruit, honey, oil, coffee, tea, and granola at wholesale prices. Currently online orders can be placed here: https://sites.google.com/view/theharvestcoop/how-to-order?authuser=0
The Pick is our volunteer-run free thrift store. Although not currently open, you may contact the church office if you are in need of clothing or have other questions.
Outside Justice Work
We Support
We recognize the good work these nonprofits are doing and support them financially, with volunteers, and through prayer.
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is a denominational organization that does relief work worldwide, following war, natural disasters, and regional conflicts. Each year we make and contribute school supply kits for MCC to send to children around the world. In past years, we have also given monetary support, sent relief workers, and created kits of personal hygiene items to be distributed to refugee camps in the Middle East.
Mennonnite Disaster Service (MDS) is a volunteer network of Anabaptist churches that responds in Christian love to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States. While the main focus is on clean up, repair and rebuilding homes, this service touches lives and nurtures hope, faith and wholeness.
Valle Nuevo is our sister community in El Salvador, where we send a delegation each year to continue the 26+-year transnational friendship we enjoy. We also support them through monetary gifts that have been used to build preschools, dig wells, and sustain the good work the community is involved in.
Julia Pferdehirt is a former Reba member who does therapy work in San Francisco with women who have been exploited and abused, helping make inroads for joy, life and healing.
Mella Davis, PhD, is a former Reba member who provides education, life-skills training and spiritual formation training through Teachers for the Nations, a ministry in South Africa.