"How will we know? We think of Advent as a time of preparing for the birth of Jesus. But it’s also a time of waiting – something that’s challenging for us at any age! This year’s theme, developed for Leader magazine, encourages us to do the spiritual work of this season. To watch and wait, to discern, to “wonder and wander,” to ask questions, to live without instant gratification, to do the work of the present while anticipating the fulfillment of the future. And in all of this, we experience God’s illumination as we come closer and closer to the ultimate revelation of God incarnate, the infant Christ." ~Mennonite Education Agency
You may download a copy of this year's Advent devotional here. If you would appreciate a paper copy, please reach out to Julie in the Church Office. Some copies will be available at the Meetinghouse on the resource table.
Image from this year's devotional, put out by Mennonite Education Agency
