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Advanced Care Planning Workshop


Free Workshop from JourneyCare - Advanced Care Planning with The Five Wishes:

Reba Church is hosting Maureen Burns, a Community Health Worker with JourneyCare, a nonprofit provider of hospice and palliative care. She will offer two free online workshops for our community. The first will be on Thurs, Jan 20 (7-8 pm).

This workshop will encourage participants to consider their wishes for their medical care in the future, in emergency situations, and for end-of-life care; and ensure those wishes are legally documented. It can be difficult to think about medical emergencies, most people agree it is important to make plans but very few have actually done it! By planning ahead, you can be empowered to ensure your wishes are heard and followed.

The Five Wishes is an easy to understand, legally binding advanced directive. It is simple to fill out, no lawyer or notary necessary! The Five Wishes also addresses social, emotional, and spiritual needs. Participants will receive their own free copy of The Five Wishes, and each wish will be explained in detail. Join the Zoom workshop through this link: Meeting ID: 847 869 4260; Passcode: 500074



620 Madison St 

Evanston, Illinois 60202

535 Custer Ave 

Evanston, Illinois 60202

(847) 869-0660

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