Join us for worship on Sunday as we hear from one of our own members, Mary Goering, who is setting out on a wilderness journey following the Spirit's call! No two journeys are the same, but in these stressful times, we can take comfort in knowing that God is still at work, and we can make a difference together. Let us sing our praises and our hopes, pray our laments and dreams, dance our visions of a stream flowing in the desert. Scriptures will include Jeremiah 17:5-10, Psalm 1, and Matthew 11:25-30. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service. Guests are warmly welcomed! Service in person and on Zoom.
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10:00 am -- Worship
11:15 am to 11:30 am -- Informal Chatting
11:30 am to 12:15 pm -- Sermon Discussion. No expertise required! Drop-ins welcome. Come share your questions and reflections on the message, or just listen in as others do. In Room and on Zoom.
Photo from regarding the Apache Stronghold