Join us this Sunday for a special message from Celina Varela, as she shares about our sister community of Valle Nuevo in El Salvador. On March 15, 1981, in the middle of a Civil War, the Salvadoran Army began a "scorched earth" attack in northern El Salvador near the Honduran border. The indiscriminate attacks killed many who were captured by the army. On March 17, many of our friends in Valle Nuevo fled their homes to escape these military attacks. They arrived at the Lempa River on the morning of March 18 and attempted to cross the river into Honduras.
The community in Valle Nuevo, a community with whom our congregation has a 30+ year relationship, gathers every year on March 18 to remember the suffering of that day. They gather to express gratitude for their survival and to remember God's faithfulness to them. We will remember, too. This Sunday the service will be one of storytelling and singing, with reflections from Celina Varela, to guide us as we remember the suffering humans experience at the hands of others as well as the faithfulness of those who continue to trust in an ever-present, merciful God amidst the suffering.
Guests are warmly welcomed! Join us in person or on Zoom. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service. There will be some descriptions of violence and shooting (nothing graphic) in the stories shared. If parents of children a little older than Kindergarten would prefer to have their child be in the childcare room during this time, they are welcome to join the younger kids.
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10:00 am -- Worship
11:15 am to 11:30 am -- Informal Chatting
11:30 am to 12:15 pm -- Sermon Discussion. No expertise required! Drop-ins welcome. Come share your questions and reflections on the message, or just listen in as others do. In Room and on Zoom.
Photo by Carol Youngquist
