Where do we go in these crazy times in which we live? Join us this Sunday as Pastor Charlotte reflects on Jesus and a few of his followers having a mountain-top experience, and what this can mean for us. We'll also remember the depth of love that holds us through every up and down as we share Communion together. All who want to know and follow Jesus Christ are welcome to participate in this meaningful practice. Of course we will also sing and pray and celebrate that we do not walk alone through these challenging days. Scriptures for the week include Exodus 34:29-35 and Luke 9:28-37-43a.
Guests are warmly welcomed! In person and on Zoom. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service.
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10:00 am -- Worship
11:15 am to 11:30 am -- Informal Chatting
11:30 am to 12:15 pm -- Sermon Discussion. No expertise required! Drop-ins welcome. Come share your questions and reflections on the message, or just listen in as others do. In Room and on Zoom.
Photo by Valeria Stutz (of bread baked by Nancy Bedford)
